Spirulina (Arthrospira maxima), protects from cyclophosphamide teratogenicity in mice
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We evaluated whether Arthrospira maxima, known as spirulina (Sp) counteracts the teratogenic effects induced by cyclophosphamide (Cp) in mice. Ninety pregnant CD-1 mice were divided into 6 groups: control, Cp 20 mg/kg, Sp 400 mg/kg and three with Sp at 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg with Cp. Sp was administered intragastrically from day of gestation (DG) 6 to 16 and Cp, intraperitoneally to DG 10. Females did not differ in weight, except for DG 10. In gravid parameters, Cp and Sp alone or in association did not show significant effects, except for umbilical cord length, placental diameter, weight and size of fetuses. At DG 17 the females were sacrificed to obtain pregnancy parameters. In the fetuses, macroscopic malformations such as anasarca, exencephaly, hydrocephalus, open eye, cleft palate, absence and deformations of upper and lower extremities and tail were evaluated, in skeletal anomalies absences, deformations, supernumerary bones and a delay in mineralization were observed, antioxidant enzymes were determined in the livers, as well as markers of damage due to oxidative stress. Sp 400 along with Cp counteracted the malformations significantly. Sp protects against Cp teratogenicity in mice by decreasing reactive oxygen species and increasing concentrations of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, although not catalase.
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