Economic evaluation of two variations of a hormonal induction treatment in replacement heifers in a tropical dual purpose system

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Sinal Centeno Bautista
Carlos Luna Palomera
Alfonso Pérez Mora
Karla Rodríguez Hernández
Alejandro Villa Godoy
Rafael Trueta Santiago


The aim of this study was to evaluate the productivity and profitability of two commercial sources of progesterone therapy as part of a hormonal induction treatment in a heifer dual purpose herd. A second objective was to determine the productivity and profitability of a recombinant bovine somatotropin (ST) application during induced lactation. Forty four Holstein heifers × Zebu crosses were used. Four treatments and two control groups were evaluated. For economic analysis all components of total cost (TC) of the companies were considered, further there was a simulation which was designed for three natural lactations after the hormonal induction, based on two scenarios in which different body weights were considered as different periods. Artificial induction of lactation yielded a 100% success rate in the four groups of animals with no statistical differ­ences between them (P > 0.05). The best cost-benefit ratio (CBR) was recorded by CIDR treatment without ST. Although the four treatments showed economic viability, those without ST had a better ratio (B / C) than those supplemented with ST. As for the net present value (NPV), the benefits updated showed that the profits were higher when ST was not applied and, mainly, in the CIDR treatment. The internal rate of return (IRR) reveals that most of the treatments have a yield above 20%.

hormonal induction treatment induced lactation economic analysis

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