Anesthetic evaluation of a novel phospholipid-free 1% propofol microemulsion formulation in dogs
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Veterinaria México OA
ISSN: 2448-6760
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- Aquino I, Gutiérrez-Blanco E, Ocampo L, Gutiérrez L, Bernard-Bernard MJ, Sumano H. Anesthetic evaluation of a novel phospholipid-free 1% propofol microemulsion formulation in dogs. VetMéxOA. 2019;6(3). doi: 10.22201/fmvz.24486760e.2019.3.654.
Figure 1. Particle size (nm) of a phospholipid-free 1% propofol microemulsion (PMICRO) diluted with either sterile 0.89% saline solution (SS) or 5% glucose solution (D5W) at different concentrations. Particle size was measured 5 min after dilution.
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