Ameliorating effect of Cynara scolymus (artichoke) against thiamethoxam-induced hepatotoxicity in poultry

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Amal Moktar
Magdy S. Amer
Aza E. Hassan
Ahmed Ateya
Eman Elashry


This study investigated the effects of thiamethoxam (TMX), a neonicotinoid insecticide, on liver health in chickens and examined whether artichoke extract (ART) could offer protection. Forty-eight healthy chicks were divided into four groups: a control group given saline, a TMX group given TMX, a TMX + ART group given both TMX and ART and a protective ART + TMX group given ART first, then TMX. The results showed that artichoke extract significantly improved blood parameters and reduced liver damage markers compared to the TMX group. It also decreased oxidative stress and boosted antioxidant defenses. Gene expression analysis revealed that ART downregulated inflammatory markers in the liver. Histological examination confirmed that artichoke extract helped restore normal liver structure. Overall, artichoke extract effectively mitigated TMX-induced liver damage by reducing oxidative stress and improving biochemical and antioxidant markers.

Cynara scolymus Poultry Thiamethoxam Oxidative stress Hepatoprotection Neonicotinoid toxicity Antioxidant defense Inflammatory modulation Phytogenic supplementation

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