Capture myopathy in wild birds: clinical information, a systematic review
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Capture myopathy is a complication of handling in many species of mammals and wild birds. This pathology is described as a state of muscle tissue degradation that can render a bird unable to stand, walk or fly. This study is a systematic review of the literature on capture myopathy in wild birds with information searched between years 1980 to 2022. Taxonomic information, clinical signs, diagnostic methods, and treatments used in this pathology were compiled, summarized, and classified. A modified evaluation method was used for the methodological analysis of each of the articles, meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria, to have a desirable methodological quality, resulting in a total of 12 included studies. A higher prevalence of Capture myopathy was described in the families Scolopacidae, Gruidae and Anatidae. Frequent clinical signs associated with myopathy, were the inability to incorporate, ataxia, paresis, and paralysis. The diagnostic methods are based on clinical pathology, evaluating the enzymes creatine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase with their respective levels. Common macroscopic alterations were changes in the coloration of the muscle tissue and hemorrhagic areas due to rupture of myofibril and a frequent microscopic lesion was damage to muscle myofibers. The literature describes supportive treatments such as the early use of fluid therapy, analgesics, tranquilizers, vitamins, sodium bicarbonate, while physical therapy is beneficial to protect from injury and incorporate the bird to the environment as soon as possible, however, prevention is the most effective way to avoid the onset of this disease.
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