Use of antibiotics among small-scale cattle farmers in rural areas in Queretaro, Mexico
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The inappropriate use of antibiotics in the livestock sector has been described as one of the causes of the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Information on antibiotic use in small-scale farms is limited. Our objective was to identify patterns of antibiotic use in small-scale cattle farms in Queretaro, Mexico. Cross-sectional study with 50 small-scale cattle farmers from rural areas surveyed in the municipality of Tequisquiapan, Queretaro between May–October 2022. Convenience sampling, non-probabilistic, small-scale cattle farms were selected using respondent-driven sampling methodology. A face-to-face survey was applied, structured in five sections: i) small-scale cattle farmers´ profile, ii) characteristics of small-scale cattle farms, iii) antibiotic use, iv) antibiotic prescription, and v) inventory of stored antibiotics vials. The data collected were processed and analyzed. Ninety-two percent of the small-scale cattle farmers were male, with an age range of 23 to 88 years (median 58.5, IQR 49–64.5). Seventy-four percent of the small-scale cattle farmers had a basic level of schooling. The animal census consisted of 968 animals. A total of 142 stored antibacterial products from nine antibiotic classes were recorded: 34.5 % were penicillin, 19 % oxytetracycline, 13.4 % gentamicin, 9.8 % florfenicol, and 8.4 %enrofloxacin. About 50 % of the stored antibiotics have a "watch" classification in the WHO AWaRe tool. Seventy-eight percent of small-scale cattle farmers throw empty antibiotic vials in the trash. Our study showed that small-scale cattle farmers had an important use of third generation cephalosporins, tetracyclines, and fluoroquinolones; antibiotics considered “watch” by the WHO.
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