Detection and whole genomic characterization of <em>Bovine Papillomavirus</em> type 1 associated with severe mammary cutaneous warts in Turkey
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Veterinaria México OA
ISSN: 2448-6760
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- Oğuzoğlu TÇ, Koç BT, Akkutay-Yoldar Z, Salar S, Baştan A. Detection and whole genomic characterization of Bovine Papillomavirus type 1 associated with severe mammary cutaneous warts in Turkey. VetMéxOA. 2019;6(3).doi: 10.22201/fmvz.24486760e.2019.3.674.
Papilloma viruses (PVs) induce epithelial tumors in their natural hosts. These tumors are located on the mammary gland of cattle; therefore, PVs are considered viral agents with significant effects, both economical and on the animals’ health. Also, knowing the diversity of bovine PV (BPV) and its prevalence in countries worldwide is important to develop optimal diagnostic methods, as well as methods to fight this infection.
The aim of the present study was to characterize the full-length genome of BPV 1 as the dominant type circulating among cattle in Turkey. It is the authors’ opinion that the results of this work provide useful information for further studies on the preventative steps that can be taken against BPV infection.
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