Evaluation of the anticoccidial efficacy of quinfamide alone and in combination with carbopol in rabbits at weaning
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This study aimed to evaluate the anticoccidial activity of quinfamide in rabbits during the weaning period, which is considered a particularly vulnerable time for the clinical presentation of coccidiosis. Thirty-day-old New Zealand rabbits were included in this trial and were divided into the following groups: randomized control, non-randomized control, quinfamide (30 mg/kg) + carbopol; quinfamide (30 mg/kg); quinfamide (60 mg/kg) + carbopol and quinfamide (60 mg/kg). Treatments were administered orally by mixing the drugs with the rabbits’ standard feed. Weight, daily weight gain, feed intake, conversion, and oocyst shedding were recorded for 14 days. The groups treated with quinfamide and quinfamide (60 mg/kg) + carbopol showed a clear improvement in the evaluated parameters compared to the control groups, and there was an increase in the duration during which oocysts in feces could not be detected. The group treated with quinfamide (30 mg/kg) + carbopol also presented better results than the control groups. In contrast, the group treated with quinfamide (30 mg/kg) alone, did not show any differences compared to control groups. Based on these results, it can be considered that quinfamide may present a useful anticoccidial effect, similar to the one obtained with other anticoccidial drugs in rabbits, but only when pharmaceutically prepared with carbopol as quinfamide retentive polymer in the gastrointestinal tract.
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