Anthelmintic resistance status of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep to the single or combined administration of benzimidazoles and closantel in three localities in Mexico
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Veterinaria México OA
ISSN: 2448-6760
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- Alcalá Canto Y, Sumano López HS, Ocampo Camberos L, Gutiérrez L. Anthelmintic resistance status of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep to the single or combined administration of benzimidazoles and closantel in three localities in Mexico. Veterinaria México OA. 2016;3(4). doi: 10.21753/vmoa.3.4.374
Sheep production requires the constant assessment of parasitic burden and the efficacy of existing treatments for proper management. In this study, the administration of five different treatments was evaluated for the reduction of the percentage of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) shed by gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) from sheep on three different sheep-breeding farms in Mexico (Texcoco, Estado de Mexico; Hueytamalco, Puebla; and Tlaltizapán de Zapata, Morelos). In these farms, ivermectin and benzimidazole derivatives had been routinely administered for two consecutive years. To determine whether drugs with different pharmacological properties decreased GIN fecal egg excretion, the treatments closantel (CLOS), albendazole (ABZ) and fenbendazole (FBZ) were administered alone and in combinations of CLOS + ABZ and CLOS + FBZ, to five groups of sheep, with an additional untreated control group on each farm (n = 28 per flock). Anthelmintic resistance was determined using Fecal Egg Count Reduction Tests (FECRT) as recommended in the guidelines of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology. Fecal samples were collected 14 and 21 days after treatment. The anthelmintic resistance status was determined based on the reduction in the fecal egg count arithmetic mean and 95 % confidence limits. According to the FECRT, resistance developed to CLOS, ABZ, FBZ and CLOS + FBZ because the mean percentage of EPG reduction was ≤ 95 % with a lower confidence limit of ≤ 90 %. By contrast, nematode susceptibility was confirmed for the CLOS + ABZ combination, as it reduced the percentage of GIN fecal egg output by 96.46 ± 3.04 % (day 14) and 96.88 ± 3.04 % (day 21). Based on the morphometric identification of larvae, Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp. and Teladorsagia spp. were the most abundant genera on all farms before the administration of these five treatments. In conclusion, the use of the anthelmintic combination of closantel plus albendazole may reduce the development of anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes.
Figure 1. Marginal means ± SD of the percentage reduction in egg count on days 14 and 21 after treatment of sheep on three farms (n = 28 per flock) with fenbendazole (FBZ), closantel (CLOS), albendazole (ABZ), closantel + fenbendazole (CLOS + FBZ) and closantel + albendazole (CLOS + ABZ).
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