Identification of ABC genes in monogeneans of the Ancyrocephalidae family: an in silico and DNA microarray approach
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The combination of molecular methods is increasingly efficient for identifying genes in non-model species such as monogeneans. These organisms are parasites that can cause health problems in fish kept in captivity or under farming conditions, making it important to design effective treatments that di[1]rectly target the parasites’ defense systems. ABC (ATP-binding cassette) trans[1]porters are proteins involved in the detoxification of xenobiotics and in drug resistance mechanisms. In monogeneans, knowledge related to ABC trans[1]porters is limited. In the present study, putative genes encoding ABC proteins were identified in two species of monogeneans, Scutogyrus longicornis and Cichlidogyrus spp. belonging to the Ancyrocephalidae family. For this pur[1]pose, transcriptomic data and previously published DNA microarrays were used. These species of monogeneans are commonly found in tilapia farm[1]ings. A total of 30 and 59 ABC transporters were predicted in S. longicornis and Cichlidogyrus spp., respectively. The ABCB and ABCC subfamilies were the most represented. Both species share 19 ABC genes, among which pgp-1, pgp-2, pgp-3, pgp-9, mrp-1, mrp-4, abce-1, abcf-2, wht-2, and wht-8, given their relatively higher expression levels, are likely the most important in de[1]toxification processes in Ancyrocephalidae. These results could be useful for guiding future experimental work aimed at improving control strategies for monogeneans in fish.
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